Suga Free

Testo I'd rather give you my bitch Suga Free


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I'd rather give you my bitch

Whatcha gonna do?
Do you wanna get out?
Whatcha gonna do? (Baby)
Do you wanna get out? (Tell Me)
Whatcha gonna do?
Do you wanna get out?
Whatcha gonna do?
Do you wanna get out?

I'd rather give you my bitch (Pay Attention)
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch then to let you breathe...
on my last bit of indo smoke
I'd rather give you my bitch... Tonight!
You wanna hit my joint but I'd rather let you fuck my bitch
Suck her tits and she'll suck yo dick
And sense 1 mans trash is another mans treasure
You gets... no part of my weed but you can have my bitch Heather

Like every other bitch I get
I'd rather give you my bitch, my whole bitch, and nothing but my bitch
Cause anybody that can bleed for 5 days and don't die
Plus develop an attitude, go to sleep wake up
and look at me dead in my eyes, ain't for me playa
Oh nah, maybe for you
Suga fide that sleaze walkin bitch I thought you knew who I'm true
I gotta get mine, I wanna get mine, I need to get mine, I'm wasting my time
Cause playa's do what they want to, yeah, and suckers do what they can
You you, can't can't, gat gat, me me, bitch
I love being rich
I wantcha but I don't needcha
Let your momma tell ya how ta make a nigga please ya
Not knowin that I'm 10 steps ahead of Lisa
And the bull so she's runnin against the grain (What?)
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe...
on my last bit of indo smoke
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe again, breathe again
I'd rather give you my bitch (What?) cause you been trickin
you be thinkin with your dick and shit (Bitch)
I'd rather give you my bitch... Ta..Tonight!

Hi-ho Silver!
Bitch, if you look at me like that again, oh I'm subject ta kill ya
Cause love ain't nothin but 2 people feelin sorry for each other
then hittin divorce court to pay child support to your baby's mother
Here comes the sheriff knockin at my front door
with a warrant for my arrest cause I refuse to pay a hoe
Sheeet, ain't no pussy good enough for me to split have my shit
I wouldn't give a squirt of piss to save a broke bitch
Gimme this, gimme that, do you got, can I have,
that's all I hear bitch I'll beat your ass
I bet I'll never hear a bitch say she's broke
as long as she's got some pussy with some ass and a deep-throat
And Oooo-eeee
it ain't a bitch breathing today that can do me
She use ta be a sweet taste in my mouth
But now I want to knock her motherfucking ass out

I ain't ready to fuck I stick my dick in your throat
Pay me and pay me no attention bitch cause I'ma keep the growth
Fuck that girlfriend bitch you need a nasty hoe
So she work that cunt until she can't no mo'
Yeah, hey DJ Quik beat this shit, back
I got a brand new back flap that'll park her like ah Cadillac
Now be a man nigga check that bitch
and if you smell something stankin that's me cause I be shittin
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe...
on my last bit of indo smoke
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe again, breathe again
I'd rather give you my bitch (What?) cause you been trickin
you be thinkin with your dick and shit (Bitch)
I'd rather give you my bitch, Ta... Tonight!
I'd rather give you my bitch, Tonight!

And Loco 'Y', Little Groove, Little Gun, Maniac,
Little 'C', Beninjaren, and Termintes, Charley Mack,
'B' Dog, Gangster Greg, Little Greg, Eminem,
Mountian Flem, Down 1, Crazy 'T', Little Sim,
'D' Mack, Gangster Dirt, Elbo, Ray Dog, 'G' Wood, and Baby Insane pimp this mack
See I could be broke as a joke sayin
hey homie can I get you ta sell some of your smoke
and could you ta sell me some of that drink (glug, glug)
But I bang, bang, chitty, chitty,
lips, hips, fingertips, ass and titties
Now, Ah Ha, schooled you,
and that's how we do it in Pamona fo'
I left ha..........
ol' monkey mouth toe up ass raggedy Heather
Bitch you lookin like somebody dug you up, and drugged you up
and stood you up, and fucked you up
Nah still the mind and the body must follow
now she ride around her mouth wantin dick to swallow
And right before I go
please donate my brain to Captain Save Ah Hoe
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe...
on the shorts of my indo smoke
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe again, breathe again
I'd rather give you my bitch (What?) cause you been trickin
you be thinkin with your dick and shit (Bitch)
I'd rather give you my bitch, Ta... Tonight!
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch, then to let you breathe...
on my last bit of indo smoke
I'd rather give you my bitch, Ta... Tonight!
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch
I'd rather give you my bitch

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