
Testo Mixtape-medley (various hip-hop mixstape drops) Tonedeff


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Mixtape-medley (various hip-hop mixstape drops)

We got a Million DMXs, 1000 Jay-Zs
100 Eminems and 2 Million Master P's
But I differ drastically, Cause whether I'm raping the rhythm is never
Really a debatable issue...Tonedeff's official
Like notary's that publicly diss you just to list you
Hit you with a lyrical hysterectomy and off I piss you
Hard to miss you, Cause you're the fat jack of wack cats
I laugh at the fact, my ricochets is the only way you blast back
Tonedeff has actual tact, whenever I rap I flatten tracks
Till they match the Manhattan maps they're drafted on
I master songs like I was Ace engineering
Sorry, yo, for scarring your eye...
I'd hit your mind, but your face was interfering
Here in the now is when representation would aid your wasted statements
Gates are closed and you still wanna ride like Chevy Chase on vacation
Place your faith in this, Play me Avee, add bass to the mix
I serve Icebergs when I rhyme, you're just tasting the tip
Wait till I get, paid to reject
Fakes with the reps taking the checks vacant of flow...
So, when they ask you if you knew, say you know

My rhymes are way past radio, so I'm played last
I never overwrite, I just keep my original flow and then I save as
You're lame as cats that's kicking the same trash
I never lose, I'll go down swinging like Austin Powers in a plane crash
It's tonedeff with out the name dashed, I'm killing the space
With the will it takes to drill your face
And use paste to fill in the blanks
When Fosse cats deliberate, their autopsies facilitate
The cops having to pull their dental records from their pillowcase
I will disgrace cats over iller breaks, rehabilitate with necessity
And I inundate, most simpletons could never deal with complexity
A breast to finish the line: A new En-ti-ty
With more brainpower put in my rhymes than Hannibal Lecter's dinner recipes
"Hello, New York", Domingo excels steady
We schooling more drop outs than faulty Nextel celly's
So, get set ready, my threat's felt heavy on mics for many
Yo, I cut to the chase quicker than takin a knife to Chevy
Intertwined with a bevy of cynical punchlines that I bury
Behind a flurry of rhymes that carry your mind to very defined comical commentaries
I'm probably on scary level you never heard before
I'd serve ya more, But I'm never searching for beef like herbivores
And Furthermore, When the beats drops - Im shattering speed clocks
I'm wondering how you say you're a man when your girl be keeping her knees locked
I teach shop with Marley Marl & Pete Rock, and we fascinate
Cause Tone's the Flava of the Future, most rappers are after tastes

Yo, I'm known to actually smack silly stacked willy acts really Fast
Release wax to be scratched with ease by Phat Philly
Masterfully, cats'll be smashed to pieces, drastically
It has to be Tonedeff, for one, so stop asking me
Im tappin the ass of each, splackably back heavy
Groupie that'll swallow happily, gargle with apathy
The very thought of chastity is blasphemy
My cavities will double the chance to catch a thief
Because I got two snatch to eat; a cunnilingus casualty...
Your girl is just another oral tragedy
The queen of ass, we call the whore your majesty
Your last complete was rap was screaming fallacy
I'm blabbin to seep calories, and on the average b, you speak for salary
ACHOO! Your wackness feeds my allergy
It's naturally a travesty, my Mic's Benadryl and this track's my Tavist-D
It's sad to see, a rappers passively not attempting to badger beats
While Tonedeff is treating the BPM savagely.

I'm spitting the verses that's calamitous, scandalous
Slanderous, cancerous...Half of this master list
Of adjectives is smacking kids with accurate attacks
That get Disastrous as I get faster with immaculate patterns it's
The consequence of dominance, prosperous, prominence
Common sense will bop you into compliments
For rocking this accomplishment with consonants
I'm in this boxing shit to knock comp outta consciousness
I got the evidence, intelligence, incredulous precedence
With a set of prints, tested with the best equipped of instruments
Forget your prejudice?
When Tonedeff is blessed with the remembrance element of an elephant?
I'm obligated, concentrated, contemplative, beyond creative
Not elated by the way you've propagated plots of hatred
Complicated topics state
The way that I operate is just properly consummated
I'm the correlator, story sayer, formulator extraordinaire
Performing where the norm is their adored heir
I storm in there with a morbid flare and not a soul to spare
Reforming, repairing and restoring the air
Cause I be tearing it down, wearing the crown, pairing the sounds
Comparing the nouns I'm staring ya down, with nary a frown
I'm sparing ya town
I'm taking you clowns to burial grounds, and scaring you out
I vary the bounds in preparing lobotomies out of the kit that I carry around
I'm really astounding, knocking you out ya gord
Fishing for compliments, bored...Reeling your eyeballs off of the floor
Via various lures, never seen wackness as scary as yours
Via Marriage or heritage, Kid, I hope your very insured
And really be sure to leave your will to match
This is verses vs beats, you'd probably think I'd share top billing with plants
Marching like militant ants, You ain't heard Tonedeff?
It's been a long time coming like non-lickable, stickable stamps
I don't fiddle with rap, I've had it with these rappers
I kill combos, cause I insert razor blades into cheese crackers
Disaster strikes with lyrics and beats factored
I'm exorcising the devil out of the beats to keep active

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