
Testo Night train Looptroop


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Night train

[Verse One]
I'm on a night train, from Moscow to St. Petersburg
Right outside the wall in the bleeding world
With the biggest band-aid cant' make the blood stop
Part of the Fort but at the same time not
In the, blooming valleys of hopes and aspiration
Dreams are crushed by dope and desperation
'Cause the West is blinded by the Fort and
Corrupted by fame, money and fortune
Kids kidnapped by rich pimps
So that we can live out our sick dreams
Stabbed in the back, tortured and raped
Can't go back home 'cause they're so ashamed, uh
It's a metaphor for the whole process
The poor take the losses while we make more profits
In a world where the winner takes it all
And happiness only appears in sitcoms
We're crossing the landscape and forcing the speed
The beat is meditative and I'm falling asleep
And when I wake up the train is at the station and
People rushing out I hear'em questioning life
Again and again wondering like

Why am I here? I don't know man I'm stuck in limbo
Watching how the things go flashing by
Why am I here? You don't know looking out the window
In a different lingo asking why
Why am I here? They know 'cause our fingerprints show
Or they think so, I travel light
Why am I here? On a night train, on a night train

[Verse Two]
I'm on a night train from Copenhagen to Berlin
Early on the morning my head hurting from the bourbon
She's in the shower, in an hour we're on top of the fort
We're they be shopping for sport, but we be searching
For something new with babysteps
One day, I might take her for a walk down the isle
But there's many rivers to cross and my lady says:
Okay, we ain't had a chance to talk for a while and I
Know you love the feeling of leaving but it don't matter what country
Or what region of Sweden
All we got is us, and this is what I truly believe in
So I don't know 'bout you, I ain't runnin'
I'ma find freedom in our everyday, life
And make the most out of it
We don't know this might take us both out
If the train run off the track, crash and burn
We sat side by side, awaiting our turn
And I'm smiling, you're right, but still...

Why am I here? I don't know girl I'm stuck in limbo
Watching everything go flashing by
Why am I here? You don't know looking out the window
In a different lingo asking why
Why am I here? But they know 'cause our fingerprints show
Or they think so, I travel light
Why am I here? On a night train, on a night train

[Verse Three]
I'm on a night train from Tangier to Marrakech
I ain't a rap star here man I don't speak Arabic
They looking at me like hell does he do here?
But in a curious way, they celebrate new year's
We had to escape the fort, living close to the border
What are we waiting for? Two hours from Algeciras, Spain
The port, the same, sunny beaches at the same resorts
That wash up refugees that they can't deport
Immigration officer fill out a blank report
Family; unknown, where to send the corpse?
Wanna restart their life instead they end it off
And the train keeps running down the line
And the world keeps flashin' by the window
Like we runnin' out of time, it's a feeling of freedom mixed
With the feeling of being trapped
I feel like we travel to beat the map
Stop the time, slam the brakes, jump out the frame
Find a new place without a name
New, at least to the white man, untouched and clean
I, soon find out a man, ain't no such a thing
And the further we travel it begins to unravel
How the Europeans always wanted to be the king of the castle
And how it effects all continents, how we lost respect and all common sense
And the question remains:

Why am I here? I don't know man I'm stuck in limbo
Watching how the things go passing by
Why am I here? You don't know sittin' by the window
In a different lingo askin':
Why am I here? They know 'cause our fingerprints show
Or they think so, I travel light
Why am I here? On a night train, well all right then
on the night train... come on!

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Looptroop Rockers is a hip hop group from Vasteras, Sweden. The members are rappers Promoe (Marten Edh) Supreme (Mathias Lundh-Isen) and DJ/Producer Embee (Magnus Bergkvist). In February 2007 rapper Cos.M.I.C (Tommy Isacsson) who had been a member of the group since 1993, decided to focus on designing and maintaining looptrooprockers.com and not to be an active member of the group. He however rejoined the group in 2010 as Promoe announced at a concert in Helsinki on May 19th, it was officially announced on their website on May 21st. On their latest CD the group changed its name from Looptroop to Looptroop Rockers, a name they've used unofficially for some years prior to the change.

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