Dj Mustard

Testo Pray for me Dj Mustard


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Pray for me

Yeah, first, giving honor to God
To Ms. Carol who had first brought me and my moms
To the church where I know I ain't been in so long
I just pray that when I call, they still pick up the phone
Yeah, with judgement comin' from all angles
I'll never defend myself for approval from strangers
When they don't give a damn about my kids
Shit, you ain't gotta pray for me, just pray for them
And pray for my mama, pray for my sis
Who miss my granny, we need her at times like this
To think I prayed for the world to be back open
Just to lose both of my grandparents to COVID
And pray for every one of my lil' cousins
We was really more like sisters and broth?rs
I gotta thank 'em for sharin' they dad
'Cause growin' up, h? was really all that I had

You know, growin' up at a young age, my pops got deported to Jamaica
And my uncle stepped up and was the father that I never had
So when I say, like, gotta thank my lil' cousins for sharin' they dad, they really shared they dad with me
He was the father figure I never had
And he really part of the reason why I am the way I am today
And why I'm as successful as I am in this, in this very moment

Instead of arguin' on live, I should've prayed with Tee FLii
I could've got straight to the point instead of lettin' jokes fly
I should've called Ty 'cause he don't struggle with his pride
If it was up to him, then Pusha still'd be alive
So, so pray for me, pray for YG
Pray for PC, pray for TC
Pray for Reem, H-Jade, and Clean
India and Ty, forever be the squad
Gotta pray for Teddy, gotta pray for Lays
Big S and lil' S, I love 'em both the same
They a big part of the reason why I didn't bang
And that's a big part of the reason I'm still here today
So pray for Migo and pray for Ella Mai
Everything we done together kept our family straight
Pray for anybody rockin' the 10 Summers chain
And any other homies that I didn't name

Know it's a lot of homies I ain't name and shit, man
Pray for B-Wade, a real childhood friend
Pray for Norah, my assistant, man
Pray for ShaqO, the handicap foo
Pray for my engineer, David, who been in this motherfucker day in, day out, blood, sweat and tears, for five years
Pray for my niggas Dae-Dae and Glove, man, them niggas kept us safe so many motherfuckin' nights
Pray for my nigga Uno too, man, you know?
I can't do this shit without thankin' that nigga K-Dot, man
He came through, swang through with the number one right before the album dropped, I ain't even need no rollout
So you gotta pray for him
Pray for Auntie Diane, Roddy and Keefa too
And last but definitely not least, you gotta pray for all my kids, Kylan, Kauner, and Kody
Most definitely gotta pray for the apple of my eye and the love of my life, Brittney
And Bebe McFarlane, the newest addition to the family
And even if I ain't say your name, you know what's up with me

I pray that God direct my steps on this path I'm going
Give me peace of mind so that I stay focused
Give me discipline so that I keep going
To the gym even when results ain't showin'
Lord, give me the faith I need to move mountains
Give me financial freedom, know that there's no accountant
That's more able than you
There's no problems on this Earth greater than you
And if it's your will, then let me do everything that I was created to do
Help me change lives
Like you changed mines
Like you changed Mom's
How could I forget?
How you made a millionaire out of fifteen cent
When a dollar and a dream wasn't always what it seem
Sometime I couldn't see, but I still believed
And then you made it real, you gave me everything I need
And all I had to have was the faith of a mustard seed

So the point of this album is to have faith
No matter what field of work you in
No matter what you doin' in life, have faith in it and believe in it at all times
And especially having God in your life first
Because in a world full of the devil doing God knows what
Long as you keep God first, you'll be alright
I've always had the ultimate confidence
I've always believed in myself
And I always tried to be the best I could be
It was instilled in me as a kid
When I was making this album, man
I went through three different titles
And about a hundred different emotions
And I just remember a conversation I had with Neil when he was doing "Perfect Ten"
Said, "Man you should name your album, 'Faith of a Mustard Seed'"
At that very moment, I didn't know exactly what he meant by it
But I knew it was something out the Bible
When I went and I did my research on what "Faith of a Mustard Seed" meant
It says that with the faith of a mustard seed, God will allow you to move mountains
And I feel like where I come from, I moved just about every mountain that was in my way
And still movin' em with the faith of God
You know, when I was young, you know, when I say, "First giving honor to God"
To Ms. Carol who had first brought me and my moms
You know that was, like, that's a real thing
You know, I moved from the jungles to West LA
And I met this lady named Carol, her son was a drummer at the church
And I remember one day I seen her going to church, she was like, "You wanna go to church with me?" And I'm like "Yeah," and I went
You know I really went 'cause I really wanted to be the drummer
But Jermaine was always the drummer, so I never became the drummer, or whatever
But I, um, I went, and I became a member of Believers Community Baptist Church
And after I went a few times and I became a real member of the church, I got baptized
And I think after that, I told my mom, well I, guess, my mom was at the baptize ceremony
But I asked my mom, "Mom, you wanna go to church?"
And she was like, "Yeah, I'll go" (Yeah, I'll go)
And my mom never stopped going to church, even when I stopped
You know? So I guess that was like a sign from God
And it also brought me and my mom closer
You know, she lived by
Alright, you know I'm prayin' for you (You know I'm praying for you always)
And I don't know, you know, my mom probably gon' be mad at me
But she used to be real bad at like cussin' us out, me and my sisters
Just start, like, cussin' like, "Get your ass in the house," you know, that type of thing (Get your ass in the house)
But uh, you know, once she, once she, she went to church, it kind of like changed her for the better
You know, and it, uh, softened her up a lil' bit
And I never told her that, but, uh
I think that was the best thing that ever happened to me and her
You know, 'cause it was me and her, my sister moved to Atlanta with her husband and stuff
And had her own family
Recently just moved 'em back here to be closer to us, but
You know, um
Not to make it about that, but
For the most part, man, I just want everybody out there, you know
You've been watchin' me this whole time
Studyin' my career and you watchin' my whole journey
You've seen me grow, you've seen who I am, you've seen who I've become
You've seen how I'm into my kids 'cause I didn't have a father, I had my uncle, but he taught me how to be a father
And, uh, I always admired that about him, that he took me in like I was his son that he never had 'cause he only got daughters
But, um, it made me be the best father that I could be and know that, you know
Not to never take that for granted 'cause all you got is time and you can't get time back
Um, but to the fans, you know, the little kids, the little producers in the hood that look at me and look at it like it's too far
It's really not, I came exactly from where you come from
And anything is possible with the faith
And hard work gon' always beat talent, every time
So I want you to understand, you know
You can do anything you put your mind to
"Faith of a Mustard Seed" is a, is a testimony of me, just, you know, growing and bein' who I knew I always could be and who I was gon' always strive to be
No matter what, nobody could've gotten in the way of me being who I am
And to show you that nobody can get in the way of you
Until next time
And, oh, yeah
If you ever in doubt of what I'm thinking about you, just know I'm praying for you
So you should pray for me too

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